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Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Great Italian Musician born in Ortona

Francesco Paolo Tosti’ biographic adventure begins from Ortona, hearth of the abruzzese cost  on the 9 of April  1846.  He lived exactly 70 years in Ortona, Napoli, Londra, Milano and Rome as the protagonist of the european  musical life.

Francesco Paolo Tosti understood that was unusefull to write melodrama because there were lots of other Italian writers  which invented them such as Verdi,  Puccini, Leoncavallo, Mascagni... so he did 
romanza da salotto “ which at the time was new and trendy. He wrote a lot and very well.

He teaches to sing to big artists  in London at Covent Garden.  He had also an elegant voice of light tenor and could sing and play for hours in the musical evenings of London Aristocracy.

In London he could earn a big prestige, in fact he became a teacher of the most prestigious school like Royal College of Music and Royal Academy of Music. Puccini, Mascagni and Leoncavallo asked him  to introduce them in the royal English  Court. For all this,  there is a rich amount of letters and pieces of magazine in the Museum in Ortona.

Francesco Paolo Tosti died in 1916,  in the middle of the Great War that would sweep all of a sudden the world in which the musician  had tailored his place. The cinema and the radio would soon also completely changed the habits of Europeans, setting new costumes for social gatherings. The romance of Tosti  moved easily from the living room to the aristocratic concert halls and to the disk and the attention on the  Tosti' Romanza da salotto never changed.

We recently went to  the National Museum Tostiano in Ortona to celebrate and  see a  film about the life of our Great Author 

Posted by students from classrooms the third  D and F
images made  with the program "Illustrator"

Click here to see the official website

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